Saturday, September 20, 2014

Supreme Court takes steps to protect elephants from deaths on railway tracks

Supreme Court of India is hearing a writ petition being Writ Petition (Civil) No. 107 of 2013 ‘Shakti Prasad Nayak vs Union of India’. This PIL pertains to avoidance of railway accidents by which the life of elephants, which is regarded as national wildlife wealth, is endangered as number of deaths occur due to such accidents. The depletion of the clan of the elephants has been a worrying feature for protection and sustenance of wildlife. There has been a constant uproar about the apathy shown to such accidents which are avoidable in today's progressive technology. The PIL was initially restricted to North-Eastern region of the country where there was no arrangement by the Railways. However, by order dated 10.12.2013, the supreme Court expanded the canvas and called for response from all the States. Certain directions were given by the Court on the said day.

Recently, the matter was taken up by a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Vikramjit Sen on 2nd September 2014.  The Court observed that  “the depleting rate of elephants in the country has been a concern of everyone who has interest in the environment. Needless to say that it is a necessity to sustain the environment and ecological balance. In the present era, sustenance of species is a categorical imperative and neither MOEF nor the Railways can treat it as a matter of non-concern by not taking steps or causing delay in taking steps”. The Court restrained the State of West Bengal from taking any steps to administer any kind of contraceptives or introducing any method of sterilization which hinders natural procreative process of the elephants or any wildlife. The matter was adjourned to 23rd September 2014.

Click below for Full Text of Order dated 2nd September 2014.

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