Sunday, August 30, 2015

Rajasthan High Court declare Jain community practice of SANTHARA as unconstitutional and illegal

In a totally unexpected ruling, the Division Bench of Rajasthan High Court by its judgment dated 10th August 2015 (Nikhil Soni vs Union of India & others D.B.Civil Writ Petition No.7414/2006 (Public Interest Litigation) ruled that the practice of Santhara by the Jain Community is akin to suicide and is unconstitutional. The Court allowed the PIL filed by a practicing advocate with direction to the State authorities to stop the practice of 'Santhara' or 'Sallekhana' and to treat it as suicide punishable under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code and its abetment by persons under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code. The Court also directed the Government to stop and abolish the practice of ‘Santhara' and 'Sallekhana' in the Jain religion in any form. The Court further directed that any complaint made in this regard should be registered as a criminal case and investigated by the police in accordance with Section 309 or Section 306 of Indian Penal Code.

This judgment has led to much unrest and anger amongst the Jain community. It is hoped and believed that this judgment will be appropriately dealt with by the Supreme Court in coming days on an appropriate appeal or petition being filed in the Supreme Court. 

Here is the link to this judgment....