Saturday, September 20, 2014

Supreme Court directs Christian Medical College, Ludhiana to pay compensation of Rs.5 lakh to medical student for depriving her migration in P.G. course from M.D. Pathology to M.D. General Medicine

The petitioner filed writ Petition (Civil) No. 986/2013 titled as ‘Bonnie Anna George vs Medical council of India and others’ in Supreme Court to direct Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and the Medical Council of India to permit her to shift her P.G. course from M.D. Pathology to M.D. General Medicine in the available vacant seat under the N.R.I. quota within the College. The college, with some motive, deprived her the opportunity to opt for the available N.R.I. seat in M.D. General Medicine during the third Counseling. 

However, keeping in view that the admission schedule fixed by Medical Council of India and by Supreme Court is being scrupulously followed, Court declined to violate the said schedule. But at the same time, taking into account the grave injustice caused to the Petitioner for which the entire responsibility lies on the college, Court directed college to pay Rs.5 lakh as compensation to petitioner for having snatched away her valuable right, apart from refunding the sum of Rs.13,000/- which the Petitioner had to pay for her readmission to the very same P.G. course of M.D. Pathology. 

Court made it clear that college should not harass the petitioner, by observing “ We are confident that since the Petitioner was only fighting for her lawful rights, the same should not have any reflection in the approach of second Respondent either directly or indirectly which would cause any disruption in her studies or in the completion of her course”. 
The judgment was passed by bench of Justices FMI Kalifulla and Shiva Kirti Singh on 18th September 2014.

Click below to read the Full Text of the Judgment.

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