Showing posts with label state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label state. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Government can not give away land at its sweet will in arbitrary manner, held Supreme Court

A bench of Supreme court of India comprising Justices M.Y.Eqbal and P.C.Ghosh in its judgment dated 26th September 2014 in the case of ‘CIDCO vs Platinum Entertainment’ Civil Appeal no. 9264/2014 upheld the CIDCO’s action  of cancelling the land allotted to the respondents allottees by undue favour at the instance of the Minister.

The court held “State and its agencies and instrumentalities cannot give  largesse  to any person at sweet will and whims of the political entities or officers  of the State.  However, decisions and action of the State must be founded on  a sound, transparent and well defined policy which shall be made known to  the public.  The disposal of Government land by adopting  a  discriminatory  and arbitrary method shall always be avoided and it should be  done  in  a  fair and equitable manner as the allotment on favoritism or  nepotism  influences the exercises of discretion.  Even assuming that if the Rule  or  Regulation prescribes the mode of allotment by entertaining individual  application  or by tenders or competitive bidding, the Rule of Law requires publicity to  be given before such allotment is made”.

The court further observed “we  observe,  that  notwithstanding Regulation 4, as contained in the Regulations, the appellant CIDCO may  take all endeavour to make allotments of plots by open tender or  competing  bids and shall not take any decision for allotment  of  Government  land  at  the instance of the Ministers and High Dignitaries for any purposes whatsoever”.

Click below for the Full Judgment.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

CBI is not a constitutionally valid police force : Gauhati High Court

The Division Bench of Gauhati High Court in its detailed judgment on 6th November 2013 in the case of ‘Navendra Kumar vs Union of India’ has held that CBI is not a constitutionally valid police force. Tracing the history of the CBI and the discussions which took place in the Constituent Assembly in 1949 on the issue of forming a Central bureau of investigation and intelligence while drafting the Constitution, the court held that it is the exclusive function of state Police in every state to carry out police functions like investigation, arrest, seizure, filing chargesheet and prosecution. The Parliament or the Central Government can make laws regarding police only for the Union Territories and not for the States. Moreover, the CBI was constituted by a mere Resolution of Ministry of Home affairs in 1963 and not by any statute and thus this agency is not legally and constitutionally formed and hence is not competent to take up police functions. It can only assist the police in collecting information by way of enquiries.  The Court thus quashed the resolution which constituted the CBI and also set aside the order of the Single Judge and further quashed the chargesheet which was filed by the CBI against the Petitioner in the designated CBI Court and the consequent trial. The Court however clarified that quashing of the proceedings, pending in the CBI Court, would not be a bar to any further investigation by police having jurisdiction over the subject matter.

Sunil Goel advocate B.Sc. L.Lb L.Lm