Has your
laptop or computer slowed down off late ?
If yes,
chances are that with the use of your laptop or computer over a period of time,
the various websites that you browsed, the various images which you saw are
occupying space in the RAM of your system which needs to be cleared.
A. To clear your
system’s RAM of unwanted and useless stuff so as to speed up your system,
proceed as follows :
1. click Google
2. When the web page
is opened, click ‘Ctrl h’.
3. Click ‘clear
browsing data’ in History.
4. Choose the
options, as per your requirement, in the window that opens up. For example, tick mark the boxes marked as ‘cookies
and other site and plug-in-data’, ‘cached images and files’, ‘hosted app data’
5. Select whether you
want to delete such data of past hour, past day, past week, past 4 weeks or
since beginning. Ideally, select ‘the beginning of time’.
6. Click ‘clear
browsing data’.
7. Your system will
now work fast. The websites will open fast.
B. You can also
speed up your laptop or computer by cleaning the disk drives. The procedure is
1. Click on ‘Computer’
icon on desktop of your system. It will show various disk drives contained in
your system.
2. Right click on icon
of any disk drive. Click ‘Properties’. A separate window will be opened.
3. Click ‘Disk cleanup’.
4. Select the files
ti be deleted, in the new window that opens up.
5. Click ‘ok’.
C. Repeat the above
exercises Periodically to ensure that your system does not slow down.